Chilling with Daddy...and Duke

Snuggle with momma

Mommy and me at Bear Creek

Please ignore the McDonalds

Cozy in my bunny blankie (thanks Aunt Gert:)
Snuggle with momma
Mommy and me at Bear Creek
Please ignore the McDonalds
Cozy in my bunny blankie (thanks Aunt Gert:)
Today Mom, Grace, Daisy and I went to Bear Creek Park for a little walk. Grace slept the entire time but I know she loves the movement and the fresh air (yes, it was about 15-20 degrees!)I told mom she needs to get a tan to make all her friends jealous at home;) Daisy had a huge run and it makes me realize how much energy she really needs to get out...poor thing.
We are relaxing at home tonight, drinking coffee and eating brownies. Justin had a great time in Austin with the guys but was happy to get home to his girls.
So, I am looking forward to tonight's sleep because Grace has been sleeping through the night!! (Well, 4-6 hours..that's sleeping through the night for an infant, right?!). She is feeling much better since she has been taking the reflux medicine. It was so hard to see her in so much pain and it's fun to just enjoy play time with her. She is becoming so much more engaged, looking at us and kicking her legs when we sing to her:)
Here are some pics of our little Broderick xoox
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