Grace and my long time friend, Wrinkles

Just drying off

Bathtime with Nana

Note the strategically placed cloth...I AM a lady you know.
Just drying off
Bathtime with Nana
Note the strategically placed cloth...I AM a lady you know.
I am sitting here as mom is rocking a very sad baby:( Overall though, things are going much better for Grace! Her medicine is working and she is growing up so fast. We all went to the outlet mall yesterday and bought her 3 month old onesie's! She is actually wearing one now...yikes! I swear baby sizes are messed up. She is over 9 pounds now and she is so alert. She makes little sounds that sounds like an elephant so you can guess her new nickname!
Mom and I are just enjoying our last few days together. We went to the alley theater last night and saw a play. It was so strange to dress up and leave Grace, but we had fun. She is leaving on Friday to go back to Newfoundland so I will have to learn to do all the things she has been doing for so long. I know Grace will really miss her (not to mention me:(
It's an awesome day here in Texas again:) We are about to go to the park and let poor Daisy run (she has had a BIG adjustment). Better go post some pics before the little Elephant needs to eat! XOXO
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