Friday, March 25, 2011

Irish Bash

St Paddy's Bash at Sammy's House!!! All the little friends were there, playing in Sam's awesome new house and even awesomer playroom! Grace and all the babes loved the playroom in Buzz Blaster Blue.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Playdate with Garrett!!!

We went to play with Garrett and Kelly and what a irish good time we had!! Green smoothies, green cupcakes, and cool headbands! What a fun time! XOX

Monday, March 14, 2011

Moooore Rodeo!!

More fun times!! OXOXO

Rodeo Day with Sissy!

What a cool day! We went to the rodeo, petted animals, saw cows, ate yummy food and went on some rides! SO much FUN! What made it so special is that Aunt Emily AKA Sissy was there! WE miss her cause she went back today. love you sis..xoxo

Thursday, March 3, 2011

blowin bubbles!

Bubbles and Playdoh!

We are enjoying our mini backyard and the wonderful weather with some good ole fashioned bubbles and playdoh! Gracie loves both, and has practiced her playdoh skills at school! She is a champ:)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Baby Gracie

These pics made me cry and look at my little girl, like, where did the baby go?! All of a sudden she is so big, ready to take on the world. I came home the other night, she was crying and I asked her what was wrong. She said "I'm Sad". Ohhh! She has discussions with me now! She is still a super sensitive girl, hugging all of her friends every chance she gets. Today she hung with Jonah and Karly and they had fun playing, hugging and being so sweet. She shared her yoghurt raisens and even hugged all the mommas!
Baby grace was awesome, big girl Grace is so much fun!