Tired Sweet Girl
Happy Birthday Lindsay!
I am NOT a girl!

No!!!!!!!!! Not Pink!


Sophie...you are such a great bath buddy

Mom will bust these pictures out when we are older...I just feel it.


Hello up there

Little girl and boy blue

Justins wallet tastes delicious
I am NOT a girl!
No!!!!!!!!! Not Pink!
Sophie...you are such a great bath buddy
Mom will bust these pictures out when we are older...I just feel it.
Hello up there
Little girl and boy blue
Justins wallet tastes delicious
Hey! I promised that I would keep up with the blog, and I'm trying to! So, yesterday was Lindsay's bithday and we went to Willies Icehouse today to celebrate:) Dave was such a natural with the babies! Hmmmm, some little Zora's in the future? haha.
Mari and Sammy came over today to play. It's been a big day for Sam because he crawled today! Check our Mari's blog to see the video:) What a big boy!
Grace and Sam took a bath together tonight. It was super cute, but I think the babies were not that impressed. Sam borrowed one of Gracie's onesie's....can you pick out which one is hers;)
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