Thursday, February 19, 2009

"Perfection in a Onesie"

I really want to suck my thumb...but my fingers will do.

I'm hitting the rattles! Yayyy!

Gracie in the mirror!

Loving the playyard

Yes, this is what Poppy Bill always says to Grace. I think he has really fallen for her;) As I speak, they are up on thier bed playing in her playyard with her.

Today, Ms. Grace had her 2 month shots and it nearly killed everyone, except her! She was such a champ. She didn't cry when the doctor examined her or when she got weighed. Only when she was stuck with needles did she cry (and did she ever). Trudy and I cried alot too! I was so exhausted from all the emotions that when I got home, I just went to bed with her and woke up hours later.

So, she is now 10 pounds, 11 ounces

She is in 75th percentile for height and above average for weight!!

I am about to go drink a cup of tea and go to bed!! (My brain seems to hurt today...sorry for the short blog! ) XXOO

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