Grace in her first weeks tiny

Can you believe it? Grace is a whole 6 months old! AHHHH! She is such a big girl now, showing her little personality all the time. Here is the update!
1) She loves Daisy! She laughs at her, grabs for her and even tries to walk/crawl toward her. She grabs her face and Daisy just looks pathetic.
2) She is charming audiences now! She loves it when people pay attention to her..people in line at the grocery store, parents on messenger, etc. She grins a little 'Trudy' grin and reaches for thier face.
3) She easily rolls from side to side and tried to sit up (and almost does it!).
4) She is feeling anxious if I leave. Even if I go to the bathroom, she screams and produces big tears pretty fast! I am hoping this is the separation anxiety phase and will pass?!
5) She is constantly babbling and it sounds like she says ma ma ;)
6) She almost has a tooth (her incisor!) Little Vampire.
7) She interacts with other babies and enjoys being around butterfly?
Suri Franey/Goodyear!! We love you!!!
Promise 6 month photos will come! We have had a CRAZY weekend. Between JB being super sick, and Grace and I trying to stay out of his way, it's been a looong yucky weekend. BUT, brightspots were that we went out for my b day with Brian and Steph on Satuday night and it was fun to catch up with them!!
Little Miss Mila and Suri were born on Thursday night!! We are all so excited and can't WAIT for then come home. The girlies are doing well, and are still getting a little help in the hospital. Char is doing great too. Above is a pic of Suri, the 5 pounder! See you soon!!!
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