Monday, May 25, 2009

I wear my sunglasses at night

This weekend Daddy went to Galveston for a bike comp and did really well:) He is still in love with trials biking and has found other people here in Texas to bike with. He actually put together this competition so be enjoyed spending some time with the guys...but was happy to get back with his girlies!

Grace and I had fun going out for Dave's birthday on Friday night and spending Saturday night at Char and Dam's house. Char was in the hospital on bedrest but is happily home, waiting for Mila and Suri. I can't wait to hold them!

Today I went to the outlet mall and bought Ms. Grace some new clothes and sunglasses! I was totally crazy to go there today (memorial day) because there were SO many people. Here are some pics of the fashionista!

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