Friday, October 2, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday Poppy Roy!! XOXO Happy Birthday Aunt Shikara! XO

Yes, belated. That should be my middle name! Things seem to be wild at the Broderick house lately:) It's all good because Grace is moving so so quickly and is exploring everywhere (mommy is tired, but proud of her mover;)

Poppy Roys birthday was the other day and we sent him so so much love! We love you Pop/Dad! XO

Shikara's birthday is today and the girls are having an appi pot luck..good idea huh? Janice is taking her sweet new baby, Joel. Wish I was there:)

Here are some pics of Gracie at a play date with her girls! Fun Times! Also, packing for the wedding we went to in Austin. Thanks for the help Gracie!

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