Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Little Look Back...Happy Belated Birthday Nana G!!!!

The first few pics are from waaaaaaaay back and I had to add them. I have been feeling nostalgic for my little tiny baby. The other ones are from the Childrens Museum with her friend Karly. Thanks Katie! We are about to eat some delicious baked beans, but I have to tell you that Gracie isssss:
*Playing Peek-A-Boo! So adorable
* Holding herself up on the bar at the Little Gym
*She crawls to daddy when he comes home
*She crawls up steps...ugh
*She says Pop, Nan, Mom, Dad and Dog
*She is standing up by herself
HAPPY BELATED Birthday NANA G! WE Adore you!
Nana, Mommy is super excited to go to the spa with you when you come down. Can I come too??
The countdown is ON!

Monday, September 14, 2009

9 month appt!

Yes, Gracie had her 9 month appt today with Dr. Knapick. Of course, she had to have two shots and that was pretty hard but everything else was great. He mentioned that she may be a little more petite than we originally thought! Shorty pants. Overall, she is a good weight and height and seems nice and healthy!

Here are her stats:

Weight: 17.7 lbs

Length:27 1/2 in


In light of Grandparents day, she said NANA! Yup, let's add that to her dog, nana, pop, dadda, and mom (she also said Hi!) Little chatter box

Her are some pics of us at the aquarium on Saturday. Grace had fun looking at all the shiny fish!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Grandparents Day!!

Dear Nana G, Poppy Roy, Papa Tim, Nana Leigh, Poppy Bill and Nana Trudy,

I am so happy and lucky to have you all as my Grandparents!! I know it's been really hard being away from me but please know I think of you every day. Even though we are far apart, you each mean everything to me! Nana G, you were here when I first came into the world and you taught mommy how to take care of me. You loved me from the start with the same unconditional love you have for Aunt Em and mommy. Poppy Roy, you met me soon after Nana G and you fell in love! Thank you for taking me early in the morning and spending time with me while everyone way sleeping..ahhh, mommy smiles when she remembers that! haha. Nana Leigh, thanks for hanging out with me when you came to visit! You and Mommy have funny conversations about sleeping! (I am NOT ready to sleep though the night yet!! Silly ladies!). Papa Tim, remember your long walks with mommy when I was in her belly and you came to visit? When you came back, I was doing alot of cool things huh? We really had fun in St. John's when you play the guitar for me and we play all day!! Poppy Bill, you love me so much you even keep my photo album with you all the time! I love breaking your heart:) Finally, Nana Trudy, you finally have a girl!! Thanks for calling me your little 'puddin' and sooking me up...I love that time with you!

Whew, I am so lucky to have all of you in my little life! You all are the BEST!!!

P.S. You need to get here quick and spoil me!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sick Daze

Desperate time call for...oatmeal sand box!
Check out my booger nose...very boogery.
I get to make a huge mess!


Rubber Duckie, are you sick too?

We are sitting here with a sick baby!! On Thursday we went to the Museum and BOOM, sniffles. She is CRANKY! Overall, she has been tired, boogery and coughy..official language. Now I am sick so this should be an interesting Tuesday! Grace developed a cough last night which was so sad to see (and hear!) She has been fighting this since Thursday so I'm hoping she is at the tail end of it!

I was so desperate to entertain a sick baby this weekend, I made an 'oatmeal sandbox'! I must have lost my mind because it was as messy as you can imagine. It was awesome to see a smile from the Goose though!

Through all of the sickness this weekend, there are some bright spots!

*Janice and Andrew had thier baby, Joel. He is perfect! CONGRATS BATSTONES!
* Sam is feeling a little better since his super bad sickness...poor baby. Get better!
*Grace and Sarah's mommy's and daddy's did a little baby swap to grab some time for ourselves this weekend:) It was so strange to be without her! Thanks guys.
* Mom is coming down to visit in 4 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The countdown is offically on! We need NANA G!
*Shikara IS A HOMEOWNER! Congrats baber!

ok, g is climbiin on me...ill do more lata!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Lukas!

Yesterday was Lukas' FIRST BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday Big Boy! A bunch of us girls and the babies went to the Children's museum and had a blast. There were LOTS of picture taking going on...although I couldn't seem to get a pic with Grace looking at the camera. She is a real mover..holy cow. I think she is like her dad, with a whole bunch of energy and just needing to burn it off! haha. The rest of the babies were ready to go and Grace was busting out laughing in the ball pit! Oh Grace...how could we be more different!? haha

We then went to chuy's and celebrated further with Britne's cupcakes and Lukas ate lots of them:) We had a little scare with Sam because he has been feeling yucky but he is doing better today! Happy Birthday Lukas! We love you! Get better friend Sam! XOXO

ALSO, today is Mila and Suri's 3 month birthday:) Happy birthday girls.

See what Char and the fam are up to at

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Just another day at the Park

On Sunday, the Broderick Bunch went to Bear Creek Park and Char, Damien, Mila, Suri and the puppies met us there. We just hung out, enjoyed watching the kids...relaxing!