Thursday, September 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Sam! Move back!

Mari just posted these adorable pics on her blog, and I had to add them. Plus, Sam blowing out his candle was the cutest thing EVER. He didn't move his lips, just kind of blowed it out on the downlow. SO sweet. Happy birthday two year old boy!
Grace obviously had a great time! It was an m and m party, and all the kids enjoyed time at the museum and lots os treats! Now, time to plan goosies!
Today was a little sad because I had to pick Grace up from school because of a temp:( She was sick, but perked up with a little momma loving later:)
P.S. The Fred's moved from thier house across the street and are on to bigger and better things. It was so great to know they were there, and the babies grew up next to eachother. We want you all to move back!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you're going to make me cry :(