Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Papa Roy!!

Happy Birthday to you Papa Roy:) Like I have to say it, but of course we wish we were there to blow out your candels with you! Gracie would love to sit on your lap and eat some yummy nan cunning birthday cake!
Thank you for always being an inspiration to everyone you meet, and having endless love and devotion to your family. You are so incredibly loved and we miss you everyday.
Can't wait to have fun seeing you and Gracie playing!! You are definitly her favorite toy;)
Love you handsome devil.....Mr. Morphing into pop cunning;) Happy birthday you ole dog! haha..xooxoxo

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Nana Glenda!!!!

Happy birthday to my mommy and Gracie's Nana, Glenda:) Of course we wish we were there with you to celebrate your big 34, but we're crusin this week. We want you to have the happiest day ever, filled with friends and family and things for YOU! Nana Glenda may be the most selfless person I know, giving and loving her family SO much. Everywhere I have moved, she has been a thousand times. Nana is the best, there when Grace was born, helping so much with every inch of taking care of her. She is the most beautiful women I have ever known and each year, she is more and more stunning. Thank you momma for being such a strong, funny, knowledagble, sweet, sensitive, tough, giving, loyal lady! We all love you!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Dancie Dance

If you are scared easily....DON'T SCROLL DOWN...

YIKES!!! There she is!! Not sure what this hungry little witch wanted because the yogurt and PB toast was not a hit...hope we're not on the menu:/

AHH! There she is again!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ZOO with twinsies!

What a blur life has been the past few weeks! It seems that we always have great friends to see and things to do! Goose has been hanging out with her two favorite duckies all the time:) Mila and Suri are growing up FAST. They are standing and wanting pretty bad to walk. We went to the zoo last week and it...was....HOT. I can't even tell you how hot because it was CRAZY. My clothes was soaking wet when we got home...bleh! Look at the pics of Gracie! She was SO warm, but Loving playing with the goats. They taught us to just use the brush, but our girl took it to the next level and hugged them...sigh. We have a serious animal lover on our hands. They all went on a carosel and had fun. The girls say in their cool wagon but Grace just wanted to run everywhere. Oh Farmer Grace!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Grace the Artist!

Super small picture! Sorry. I recieved the sweetest email from Gracie's teacher, Ms. Jody, about how she is doing. Apprently, she is quite the artist! I knew that because at home she LOVES playing with crayons and paints. Usually, she takes a huge piece of paper and draws little circles with all different colors:) She holds the crayon just like a big girl and has been forever. When she paints she strips off and goes outside with only a diaper. Then, it's on! Arist goes wild! Mom noticed early on that Grace loves anything with color and form (like the suncatchers at the airport). She points at them and says "Pretty!". Our little Goose loves Jewlery of any kind and makes me feel great when she points at any necklace I have on and says "oooooo momma. Pretty!"
At this point (21 months) Grace enjoys dancing and clapping her hands to almost any song. She is in gymboree music and instead of making the music, she busts moves for everyone! Little charmer.
More pics of our picasso to come!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Sam! Move back!

Mari just posted these adorable pics on her blog, and I had to add them. Plus, Sam blowing out his candle was the cutest thing EVER. He didn't move his lips, just kind of blowed it out on the downlow. SO sweet. Happy birthday two year old boy!
Grace obviously had a great time! It was an m and m party, and all the kids enjoyed time at the museum and lots os treats! Now, time to plan goosies!
Today was a little sad because I had to pick Grace up from school because of a temp:( She was sick, but perked up with a little momma loving later:)
P.S. The Fred's moved from thier house across the street and are on to bigger and better things. It was so great to know they were there, and the babies grew up next to eachother. We want you all to move back!