Friday, April 23, 2010

Remember when Grace was 16 motnhs old?

I don't want to forget little things about Grace at 16 months!! She is a sweetie and we are falling in love more and more every day!
-today, she pointed to my necklace and said "pretty!!"
-When she falls asleep she rotates pacies
-She LOVES Daisy. She hugs her and asks for her allllllll the time
-She enjoys swinging in the baby swing and likes to stop, have a kiss, and keep going!
-She says, bubbles, yes (with an emphatic nod), no, daisy, mom, dad, pop, thank you, peeeese, dog, cat, hop, meow, quack, moo, eyes, nose, mouth
-she loves to point to her tummy and belly button
-she does bath and bubble symbols when going to the nightly bath with dadda
-she walks around, talking and laughing on whatever 'phone' she is on that day
-random dancing (she gets low, twists, quick feet)
-She LOVES to hug and kiss (she hangs on while hugging now!)
Gracie, we love you baby!

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