Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby

Dear Grace,
You are lying next to me, breathing softly, with your paci in your mouth and your white bear close by. I don't want to put you in your crib just yet. It's your first birthday today! What a wild, long, short, amazing, wonderful year this has been with you. This time last year we were just getting to know eachother and now I have been getting to know you more and more each day. I'm learning that although you want your own way sometimes, you always want a snuggle. I know that you love exploring and learning new things. I have learned that a crinkle in your little nose means you're SUPER happy, and a half grin means it go either way;) You are a loving, funny, sweet, smart, wonderful, beautiful little baby and I could never find words to describe how much your daddy and I love you. Just know that this past year has been the best year of my life because you were in it and I look forward to the future with you!
Happy Birthday Baby Grace.

"I love everything you will be, and everything you are"

~ From the first book we ever read you, "Guess How Much I Love You"

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